Having Your Cake and Eating It Too

We don’t have company over for dinner very often, but when we do, I like to try out new recipes. I figure, if company gives it the thumbs up, then it is good enough to make again. I mean, there are no kids at home to try things out on, so have to go fishing in a different pond, so to speak.

Well, if you know one thing about me, you know I love chocolate. I mean, I LOVE chocolate! But I am trying to lose weight. Such a slow process! Well, for dinner last night, I decided to try a new dessert. A chocolate fudge avocado cake, of all things. As I said, I love chocolate, but avocadoes are pretty dang good, too. It sounds like an odd coupling, but so does chocolate-dipped bacon. I have been pleasantly surprised by the yumminess of both.

The cake recipe was published in the April 2018 edition of The Costco Connection, created by Vevian Vazmediano for Index Fresh, Inc., who were evidently marketing their avocadoes through Costco. The recipe is full of healthy alternatives to the normal cake batter, like avocadoes instead of oil, honey instead of sugar,  and almond flour instead of wheat flour, along with eggs, unsweetened cocoa powder, vanilla, baking soda, and salt. The frosting was made from avocadoes, honey, cocoa powder, and coconut oil. No butter.

All four of us gave it our seal of approval. It is pretty great to find a recipe full of healthy ingredients that tastes good, also. Having my cake, and eating it too. Yahoo!







A Legacy of Reading

Reading has always been a part of my life. I remember the first books my mother shared with me. They contained pictures of birds, songs for children, stories of all kinds, crafts, and more. There was also the Bible Stories  book, my first introduction to scripture stories. My mother had a collection of novels, but I don’t remember watching her or my father read much, except the newspaper.

I was an avid reader growing up. I loved to read biographies of historical figures, like presidents, inventors, statesmen, great men and women of all kinds. My favorite childhood novels were Island of the Blue Dolphins and A Wrinkle in Time.

This past week my five-year-old granddaughter brought home her first book from kindergarten, excited to share her new skills with the family. My daughter was thrilled to share the news, and my heart was overjoyed to hear it. I had shared my love for reading with my daughter, and now that legacy was continuing with her daughter.

Sharing hobbies and talents is just another way to “show your tale.”